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What is an ISAC?

ISAC stands for “information sharing and analysis center.” ISACs are nonprofit organizations that are a resource for compiling information on cyber threats relative to critical infrastructure. ISACs are protected under the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act. Learn more at

What is the Space ISAC?
Space ISAC is the only all-threats security information source for the public and private space sector. It is the most comprehensive and single point source for data, facts and analysis on space security and threat to space assets. Space ISAC also provides analysis and resources to support response, mitigation and resilience initiatives.
Who can Join the Space ISAC?
Nonprofits and corporations that are approved by the Member and Benefits Committee have an opportunity to join the Space ISAC.
What are the benefits of joining the Space ISAC?

Space ISAC members are leading the global space community in its responsibility for threats and risks to security of space assets and address the exploitations by adversaries that are directed against and occur within the space industry. Membership in the Space ISAC signifies your commitment to protecting people and businesses from adversaries intending to harm space systems that will in turn harm people and increase costs to operate business. For more information on membership benefits please click here.

Members Benefits:

Through workshops, summits, meetings, webinars and working groups, Space ISAC convenes a global network of analysts, executives and practitioners from the private and public sectors to share critical information and best practices.

Open lines of communication with the global space community to share and learn best practices

Space ISAC shares among its members and trusted sources critical cyber-intelligence, and builds awareness through offering of alerts, indicators, member insights, threat assessments and analysis

Space ISAC offers its members multiple efforts to strengthen space mission performance despite the potential ongoing occurrence of cyber-attack. This includes our workshops, working groups, case studies, exercises and playbooks.

Who runs the operational and executive functions of the Space ISAC?

National Cybersecurity Center (NCC) is the executive, operational and administrative function for Space ISAC. NCC is a nonprofit, headquartered in Colorado, for cyber innovation and awareness. We are a leader and convener in cyber education, workforce development, and informing public policy. Learn more about the NCC at

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Space, man.

It's gonna be huge.

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Space ISAC

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